Bottom Line Up Front: Work-From-Home Kits are simple to produce, assemble, and ship — and they’ll bring much-needed value to your customers’ company culture. We’ll break these kits down below.
We’ll set the tone: millions of employees working from home. Thousands of businesses, big and small, wondering how to foster their company culture amid a crisis.
The truth is, employees that feel connected to their workplace will be more inclined to produce higher-quality work. When we care about something, we go above and beyond.
So how can we promote staff cohesion when we’re all working from our own homes?
How can we foster a sense of community when our only interactions take place over the computer or phone?
That’s where the Work-From-Home Kits come in.
Screen printers already have the capacity and the technology to produce, sell, and ship these kits directly to businesses’ employees. Read on and we’ll tell you how.
The Breakdown
The point of these kits is to offer employees a sense of community when it comes to their workplace. Think branded apparel, functional products, and items that are relevant to what everyone’s going through now — like face masks, for example.
To get started, organize what you’d like to offer into three different kits.
The options should vary in price points, and each should offer a unique assortment of branded products. Keep different budgets in mind as you formulate these kits, as some businesses may want to partake, but not have access to high levels of means right now.
As you develop the options, remember that most able consumers tend to opt for the middle one, assuming it offers the best ratio of price to quality.
It could also be useful to orient your kits around the themes of “˜Health & Wellness’ and “˜Mobile Tech,’ since our national community is going through a massive shift together and now relying on those products more than ever.
Items like branded hand sanitizer or face masks (as mentioned above), and branded wireless chargers or headphones all work to send the same message: we know what you’re going through, and we’re trying to make it easier.
We’re all in this together.
Here’s an example of three different, high-value Work-From-Home Kits:
The Basic Kit: screen-printed t-shirt, hat, and insulated tumbler.
The Premium Kit: screen-printed t-shirt, hoodie, hat, and insulated tumbler.
The Supreme Kit: screen-printed t-shirt, hoodie, hat, insulated tumbler, and wireless Bluetooth speaker.
Work-From-Home Kit Marketing Example Case Study
Special thanks to Eli Slossberg of MDI Apparel for sharing examples of his marketing efforts used to promote ‘care packs’.
Professional presentation for the win! Personalized messaging to aid in the sales process Make it easy for an employer to see what’s included in the kit Smart product presentation to build value Don’t forget a strong call to action!
Lifestyle Example
Don’t forget to use the final product, kit, and lifestyle photography in your marketing to build even more value.
Excellent branding and smart product curation makes for a wining kit. Don’t forget to consider the packaging to create a special unboxing experience!
How to Pitch the Kits to Your Customers
Work-From-Home Kits provide value to your customers’ businesses in two ways.
First, by fostering that hard-earned company culture internally. Employees will receive the kits and not only enjoy the process of opening the awesome gift, but also feel like their employer cares about them. It’s a hard time for everyone these days, but thoughtful gifts like these — no matter how small — go a long way in evoking a sense of community.
And, as we know, employees that feel connected to their workplace are that much more motivated to work hard, stay focused, and produce results — even when they’re working from their living room.
Second, WFH Kits work to showcase just how thoughtful and committed an employer your customers are, by providing apparel and products that can be worn/used by their employees publically. Not in public, of course, since we’re all largely confined to our homes — but on video conferences with clients, vendors, or anyone else.
By your customers’ employees showing a strong, connected force to their entire business network, they’ll be seen as weathering the storm effectively. And not just effectively, but fiercely.
Branded apparel and products are more than just things. They’re physical indicators of solidarity, and in these strange times, solidarity conveys strength.
A connected team will get the job done.

“˜Freemiums’ That Brighten the Deal
When you’re advertising (and directly pitching) the Work-From-Home Kits, make sure you’re really selling every one of the value-added details. These include:
Free Kitting Service: after the branded apparel/products are produced, your team will take care of the kit assembly. That means that your customers avoid the packaging hassle altogether!
Free Fulfillment Service: there is absolutely no inventory for your customers to manage — the products will be created by you, packaged by you, and then drop shipped directly to their employees. The process could not be easier (or more hands-free)!
Free Online Store: because you use InkSoft technology, you have the capacity to create custom online stores for each of your customers. These stores will allow their employees the chance to choose their own sizes, and will also let you offer single invoicing once all orders have been collected.
With so many high-value details, and such a relevant, high-value concept, we’re confident your customers will love these Work-From-Home Kits — and you’ll be processing orders in no time.
Technology Tips & Tricks
As you already know, InkSoft technology lets you design products, share designs, and create stores to sell those products — all virtually.
Once your customers have sent in their brand logos for the goods in their Work-From-Home Kit, you’ll be able to configure the designed products and get customer approval online.
Then, you’ll be able to create a custom online store for them — even having the option to disable payment on the site, which would allow employees to place their order (with correct sizes, etc.) without having to spend their own money, or without you having to remit their payment later.
With the payment disabled, you’ll be able to collect bulk orders efficiently — and easily. Once the orders are processed, you’ll then be able to single invoice the company for payment.
Alternatively, you can use InkSoft features to bulk issue gift certificates to employees via email, so they’re the ones doing the “˜buying.’ This option allows for greater spend controls, and provides additional layers of reporting to simplify the single invoicing process.
As you can see, we’ve thought of just about everything when it comes to how to make these Work-From-Home Kits as pitchable, sellable, and enjoyable as possible.
Not only will your customers be happy with the kits and the well-intentioned meaning behind them, but you’ll also be happy that you jumped on board with this idea when you did.
It’s a simple process, and it’ll bring you massive results.
Get the Work-From-Home Marketing Kit
We’ve included a turnkey marketing copy kit so your team has everything it needs to promote and sell the hell out of WFH Kits — so what are you waiting for? Register below!
We’re rooting for you!
The InkSoft Team