For today’s marketer, the real enemy is obscurity.

How do you build attention for your products and services, company or brand and rise above the marketplace noise?

One way is to make sure your web content is completely spreadable. Adding links for people to share your content on social networks and social media sites is pretty much mandatory these days. Remove all barriers so that customer’ evangelist’s can share your content and messages freely and easily.

We’ve done the hard work for you. We designed a simple ‘sharing’ function into the Ink Soft interface to allow your clients and prospects to share graphic themes and messages with their social network like Facebook and Twitter. Here is an example: A sorority sister makes contact with your Ink Soft driven site, finds and designs a sweet graphic perfect for the upcoming event. The sorority sister can then share the concept with her entire house in the click of a mouse.

There are some huge benefits to this. Lets take a look:

1. Sharing drives additional web traffic. First rule of eCommerce-get more traffic to your site. People are much more inclined to visit a web site if someone within a social network promotes it. Credibility is ‘pre-established’.

2. Social media mentions are a free, highly visible source for marketing. Who couldn’t benefit from some free marketing?

3. Competitive differentiator. Are people talking about you, or your competition? Create conversations everywhere!

4. Trackable and measurable. There are many tools to find out where and what people are saying about you, your products and even your competition. Twitter ‘Retweets’, Facebook ‘Likes’, Diggs….the list goes on. In an upcoming blog post we will share some free tools to measure your social media impact.

Ink Soft Social Media Tools…Making ‘Spreadability’ Easy.

Ink Soft Social Media Tools

Ink Soft Social Media Tools

Ink Soft Social Media Tools

Ink Soft Social Media Tools