The national Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team (WWAST), represents some of our nation’s bravest and most determined heroes, soldiers and veterans. These young extremely athletic men have sustained severe injuries resulting in amputation while serving in the military/war, and through extensive rehabilitation, they have become competitive athletes again. Their armor now includes prosthetic legs and arms, along with extreme perseverance and attitude. Together they comprise the national WOUNDED WARRIOR AMPUTEE SOFTBALL TEAM.

WWAST is a non-profit organization that relies on donations and public support to fund exhibition softball games throughout the country. Funds help to pay for training, equipment, rehabilitation and support for this amazing organization to continue being a success.

WWAST partnered with an InkSoft user to create a merchandise webstore which is promoted from WWAST’s website. Not only does this InkSoft user benefit from online, webstore sales but also receives all of WWAST apparel needs for events.

The results: $16,328.25 in orders in this month alone.

Bottom-line: Webstores: drive both online and offline revenue and selling opportunities. Additionally, by offering webstores to your clients, you stand to also gain their ‘offline’ orders as you develop a relationship.

  • Webstore help to gain new accounts and selling opportunities
  • Webstores differentiate you, from the ‘other’ printers
  • Webstores secure both online and offline orders and sales
  • Webstores create, reinforce, protect relationships with clients
  • Webstores allow you to maintain a selling presence everywhere as webstores have no geographical boundaries
  • Webstores make the shopping and buying process simple

[frame align=left lightbox=1 caption=”‘Merchandise’ on the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team links directly the the InkSoft Powered webstore”][/frame]

[frame align=left lightbox=1 caption=”InkSoft Powered Merchandise webstore”][/frame]

[frame align=left lightbox=1 caption=”Webstore sales”][/frame]

[frame align=left lightbox=1 caption=”Offline orders result from the relationships that webstores create”][/frame]

[frame align=left lightbox=1 caption=”Another example of offline orders”][/frame]