What are QR codes?

Vector QR code generator A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a type of barcode invented and used by Toyota to manage the complex industrial manufacturing process.

Why use QR codes?

The simple answer: They provide a convenient and simple way to access information. As marketers, we need to obsess with ways to make accessing information on our products and services as easy as possible.

How to use QR Codes?

Businesses will primarily use  QR codes to drive web traffic and phone calls. Really, QR codes can be used in virtually any marketing channel and medium. To promote your printing business and services think about using QR codes on:

  • Apparel & T-Shirts (yup–you can even screen print QR codes. Heck–we’ve even seen rhinestone QR code designs.
  • Promotional Products
  • Storefront / Retail spaces
  • Vehicle Signage
  • Decals & Stickers
  • Brochures & Business cards

We’ve made a short video tutorial that will show you how to generate a vector QR code and use it in marketing your printing business.
Create free vector QR Codes here