In today’s fast-paced and convenience-driven world, print shops need to offer hassle-free experiences to maintain long-term customers and encourage repeat orders. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a new update to InkSoft with the Customer Portal, built to speed up and streamline the reordering process. 

The Customer Portal makes it easier for customers to self-service on reorders, saves time on data entry, and gives shops a new tool to upsell products to customers. 

Check out this video for a look at how this feature makes the order process easier for you and your customers:

Key Benefits of the Customer Portal

The InkSoft Customer Portal offers multiple benefits for both you and your customers. Here’s why: 

  • Self-service: Customers can set up a reorder at their convenience through the self-serve portal. No waiting for your shop to open, making time for a phone call, or other tasks that might take up time in their busy day. 
  • Faster order creation: Your team doesn’t waste time re-entering the same information from a previous order since you can use existing data to set up a reorder. Or, you can clone an order if you need to set up a reorder. In both instances, it’s less data entry for your team. 
  • Easier upsell opportunity: If you want to pitch new products to your repeat customers, you can clone their previous orders and add new products you want to recommend, simplifying the pitch process. 
  • Seamless branding: Since Proposals can now connect to InkSoft Stores, your customers get a complete brand experience with their brand colors and logo. 
  • Fewer mistakes: Because you don’t have to reenter information and customer information is already stored, there’s less room for errors or typos from your team which means less chance of having to correct an order or spend time on reprints. 
  • Consistent results: The Customer Portal establishes order consistency for your team for faster production and quick order processing time. For your customer, it creates familiarity so they can quickly return to your business for repeat orders. 
  • Better communication: Since customers can self-serve, there’s less back-and-forth communication, reducing the chance of lost emails, unreturned calls, and miscommunication over what they need for their order. 
InkSoft customer portal

Keeping repeat customers 

Studies show that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your repeat customers.

If most of your business comes from your repeat customers, you need an efficient re-order process for those customers and your team. That’s because it’ll save your team time and incentivize your customers to return. 

Why focus on repeat customers? Because typically: 

  • They spend more money than new customers
  • They have lower acquisition costs than new customers
  • They drive new business by referring you to their peers 

InkSoft’s Customer Portal improves the reorder process, combining convenience, efficiency, and enhanced customer experiences. By seamlessly connecting Proposals to customer stores, improving order visibility and approval capabilities, streamlining workflow, and helping you maintain customer loyalty, the Customer Portal is the perfect tool for delivering on modern customer expectations.

Simplify and accelerate your reorder sales cycle with the InkSoft Customer Portal, and see how your customers keep returning for reorders. 

Not an InkSoft customer yet? Schedule a demo today and see how features like this can help you grow your business and sell more merchandise.