Even with the best-configured online store, abandoned carts are a hurdle your shop and customers probably deal with regularly. Shoppers browse, add items to their carts, and then leave without completing the purchase.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce a new feature for InkSoft Online Stores: automated abandoned cart emails. Through these automated, customizable emails, you and your customers can win back shoppers who may have left a purchase behind. 

Here’s how InkSoft’s automatic abandoned cart emails work and how to configure them:

Time Savings 

Before this update, store owners needed to follow up on abandoned carts with manual emails, requiring extra time in the order process, but that’s now been streamlined. 

Once set up, automation triggers a sequence of emails when a shopper adds products to their cart but doesn’t finalize the purchase. This updated process saves the store owner time and improves the chances of winning more customers back. 

More Revenue with Automated Abandoned Cart Emails

With an automated, efficient process to follow up with abandoned carts, store owners can capitalize on what’s statistically a significant area where money is lost.  

According to some studies, businesses lose roughly $260 million in recoverable revenue each year. Automated emails for abandoned carts are just one way store owners can recoup some of that lost revenue with just a few simple setup steps. 

Better Impact 

With InkSoft’s automated abandoned cart emails, store owners can customize email templates that reflect their business or organization’s voice and messaging. That means whether it’s a store run by your shop or one of your customers, whether that’s a school, fundraiser, small business, or another category, the shopper gets a message that sounds more personal and in line with what they’ve come to know from that business. 

And believe it or not, that tailored voice can help you and your customers win back more sales from abandoned carts. Cart abandonment emails can hold about a 41% open rate, much higher than a generic sales and marketing email that hovers around 20-21%. You and your customers can make these customized messages even more impactful with discounts or promotions that entice shoppers to return. 

Improved Order Visibility and Control 

In addition to giving store owners better tools for customer retention and more opportunities to boost sales, this update provides more visibility and control over the abandoned cart email process.

From the store admin area, users can toggle on the feature and configure settings to suit their preferences. Users can track the status of email sequences, including timestamps and the subsequent scheduled emails. These controls help store owners stay organized and make better data-driven decisions on how to make a store more successful, whether that means changing prices, adding or swapping out products, or creating new bundles to entice more buyers.  

With the powerful combination of automation, personalization, and data-driven insights, InkSoft online store owners can strategically target customers they might’ve previously lost and win back profits. 

Not an InkSoft customer yet? Sign up for a demo here to see how powerful features like automated abandonment cart emails are just one of the many tools you’ll get to stay ahead of the competition.Â