How to Profit with Wholesale Custom Emblems, Patches, and Heat Transfers.

In this online class, industry veteran Paul Medina of Penn Emblem breaks down how you can tap into wholesale custom emblems, patches, and heat transfers to expand your decoration and embellishment capabilities.

Bottom Line Up Front: Ever want to engage your audience with more diverse customization capabilities, more innovative embellishment techniques, or quicker end-to-end fulfillment processes? With Penn Emblem, you can. Here’s how.

At InkSoft, our guiding light is making your life easier. Everything we do, every capability we offer, and every resource we provide are there to help you get to where you’re going faster with less stress. And with more returns.

Today, we’re proud to announce a partnership that will help you do just that. From giving you a whole new way to differentiate yourself to establishing an always-reliable backup plan for those beyond-busy days, this partnership will help you open that door to optimized productivity.

It’ll help you unleash a whole new stream of profitability, and it’ll help you leave your competitors in the dust. 

But most importantly, it’ll help you wow your customers. Day in and day out, they’ll widen their eyes and drop their jaws at what your team brings to the table. The versatility, the quality, the uniqueness — it’s everything they hoped it would be.

And with Penn Emblem, your newest partner, behind you? That’s guaranteed to be a constant.

Meet the Partner: Penn Emblem

A family-owned business since 1947, Penn Emblem knows a thing or two about consistency.

From the early days of Frank Blumenthal, the Philadelphia-based founder, embroidering emblems in his garage all the way to today, where the business is indisputably titled the leading wholesale manufacturer of custom embroidered patches, emblems, and heat transfers — there’s been a common through-line.

A through-line of offering customers the same value, regardless of how many products they have on their offerings board. A through-line of offering customers the same speed, regardless of how many worldwide orders they have coming in. And a through-line of offering customers that same wow-factor — regardless of what it is they were after.

Consistency. That’s how Penn Emblem made a name for itself, and that’s why it’s stuck around for over 70 years. 

Apparel & fashion. Camps, parks, & museums. Elite brands. Military & government. Healthcare, hospitality, & small business. Public safety. Flame resistant, oil & gas, & transportation. Athletics, collegiate, & workwear. We could go on. And on. And on.

But to keep things brief (you’ve got places to be), we’ll leave you, and this introduction, with this: any embellishment need, any decoration service need, they can help. And their help won’t just be bare-bones. It won’t just be adequate.

It’ll be extraordinary.

Penn Emblem and You

At InkSoft have partnered with Penn Emblem because we believe in their offerings as much as we believe in their ethos. And since we’ve partnered with them, you have — for all intents and purposes — partnered with them too.

If you’re backed by InkSoft, you now have an automatic entry point into a wholesale account. With that wholesale account, you can access more than 50 different decoration options for your customers’ needs, including:

  • Embroidered Emblems
  • Screen Printed Emblems
  • Digital Emblems
  • Specialty Emblems
  • PennTransâ„¢ Heat Transfers
  • Stock Emblems

What does that mean for your business? It means that you finally have a way to level up this year — without spending thousands on new equipment, new training, new space, or new software.

From increased productivity and furthered customization power to previously untapped earning potential, an account with Penn Emblem can make it all possible. Here are some valuable points to digest:

Reach More Buyers

No matter what industry your prospects are in, custom emblems and patches could be the differentiating factor they’ve been waiting for — but unless you offer it to them, they won’t know about it. Think about it like this: every brand, every organization, and every team is looking to stand out. They’re looking to showcase their identity in a high-value and distinctive way, and they’re looking to do it in as seamless a manner as possible.

Custom emblems and patches can take them there. And you can walk them through it. By emphasizing the high durability, wide range of color and shape options, and vast application techniques and product types available, you’ll be grabbing hold of their attention in no time. Plus, given the cost-effectiveness when compared to direct embroidery, the whole process is a no-brainer.

You’ll reach more, you’ll engage more, and you’ll excite more. You heard it here first.

Fulfill More Orders

With the double-edged power of being able to appeal to more buyers (with the breadth of decoration options available) and serve more buyers (because you’re outsourcing some or all of the process), you’ll have your increased sales capacity on lock. And with that capacity comes a major uptick in earnings.

Whether you’re promoting conventional embellishment methods like applique and chenille to your audience, or you’re championing the more innovative options like silicon patches and etched microsuede, you won’t just be talking the talk. With the production power of Penn Emblem behind you, you’ll be walking the walk too. (The walk of excellence, that is.)

Any customer need, any product vision, and any timeline requirement — your partnership is ready. And with its ultra-quick turnarounds, its demand fulfillment programs, and its short run length order prowess, it’s safe to say that its readiness will lead to clear, unrivaled returns.

Establish More Value

Beyond just offering your customers better products and beyond just offering your in-house team smoother operations, your partnership with Penn Emblem will allow you to grow your own brand identity to new heights. Because you’ll be able to connect your audience to new, innovative, and eye-grabbing end-products, you’ll be seen as a force on the market.

And to get those same results time and again, your customers (and their networks) will keep coming back. You’ll be known for offering extraordinary value, and you’ll be known for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in our industry.

But more than that intrinsic sense of value will be the actual value of your average order. Because you have the wherewithal to provide — with Penn Emblem’s help — premium embellishment and decoration abilities, the perceived value of your orders will go up. And with that perceived value increase comes a natural increase in price-point.

With Penn Emblem, you’ll be able to catch every order, regardless of need, and up the average value of every order coming in. Because no one can resist the allure of Penn Emblem’s craftsmanship.

To sum it all up: you get all of that value without changing a thing in your operations.

Your Next Steps

Since the InkSoft and Penn Emblem partnership is already in full swing, all you have to do to reap the benefits we’ve outlined is… request a wholesale account.

Yeah, it’s really that easy. You’ll be directed to a quick & harmless form, asked some basic questions about who you are and where you’re located, and that’s it. 30 seconds of effort for a game-changing pay-off.

You, InkSoft, and Penn Emblem together is truly the trio of the year. Unparalleled capabilities, limitless drive, and the exact wow-factor your audience has been waiting to see.

We’ve created the roadmap for you. All you have to do now is take it.

And if you’re somehow reading this and not already hooked up with the best e-commerce platform our industry has ever seen, then now is the time to get yourself acquainted. (And we’re pretty ruthless about only waxing poetic about the solutions we truly believe in, so you know this one is every bit as exceptional as the claims maintain.) Take the tour now!

Learn More & Request your FREE wholesale Penn Emblem account