Together, let’s step up in a big way for our local front-line healthcare professionals and first responders.

As America continues in the fight against COVID-19, it’s an optimal time for decorators to leverage branded apparel, merch, and supplies to support our healthcare responders on the front lines.

We’re heartened to see suppliers, decorators, and promo products distributors across the country taking action.

For example, suppliers have introduced new wearable products””like barrier facemasks for outdoor exercising or heading to the grocery store””and donating 100% of the proceeds to nonprofits that work with first responders and their families. (These performance-activity masks for civilians also ensure that medically approved N95 masks can get to frontline personnel.)

We’re even seeing lots of bands and music labels selling special-edition T-shirts and running other promos like surprise digital singles””they’re donating the proceeds to other artists, local food banks and essential equipment for first responders.

Lots of decorators using InkSoft tools””Designer, Stores, and Fundraising“”have jumped on board to support local businesses (and their own staff)  along with nonprofits with popup Stores.

But now, let’s take it a big step further.

Using InkSoft Stores for Extreme Good

We’re seeing everyone from businesses to bands using both apparel and promotional products to drum up support for healthcare professionals, first responders, and all other front-line coronavirus workers.

It’s a brilliantly simple concept when you use InkSoft tools.

As the print shop, you upload artwork””the logos of local businesses, healthcare facilities or organizations,  or artwork by local artists, for example. Then, you select T-shirts or other related promo products to sell in your Store.

When supporters purchase an item, 50% of the proceeds go to that local business or organization and 50% goes to your shop.

If you want to allocate part of the proceeds to go to a healthcare facility or any group that directly helps front-line healthcare pros, you can. You can slice and dice the proceeds anyway you choose.

Why not even up the ante by imitating the TOMS’ model? With every purchase a shopper makes from your Store, you donate a free item to first responders and their families.

Our Gift to You: The Total Spread-the-Word Toolkit

OK, we know that it’s uber-easy to set up an InkSoft Store with the Fundraising feature.

How about reaching out to local businesses and organizations to build momentum? When you have the right messaging, it’s easy.

Since we want you to succeed, we’re giving you our done-for-you marketing copy, from emails to social posts. Feel free to take our templates and make them yours!

Let's Support Our Local Healthcare Pros and First Responders
Let’s Support Our Local Healthcare Pros and First Responders Toolkit

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Online Fundraising Store Class

Make the most of online fundraising stores in support of local frontline healthcare pros and medical first responders by watching our free online t-shirt fundraising store class.