“Mise en Place”

Yes, that’s French. You’re probably wondering what it means, and what it has to do with running a successful printing/decorating business. Right?

Well, that’s what the Thought Starter Podcast is all about…asking questions and moving the needle.

This week, buckle up for a 15 minute podcast that will help you get organized and poised to take everything in your business to a whole new level. We dig into a traditional culinary technique that has implications well beyond the gourmet kitchen. Learn how you can use recipes to simplify your business, rather than simply “freelancing.”

Check it out!

As always, leave a comment about the show or email us at hello@inkoft.com to let us know what you’d like to hear about next.

And if you’d like to get the sales portion of your business up to speed, give us a call. We’re here at 800-410-3048 to help you out.