Bottom Line Up Front: We’re excited to welcome our newest additions to the Success Squad, Cody Martin and Sam MacKenzie!

As our technical support team, the Success Squad’s core goal is to ensure that customers get the most out of InkSoft and all the tools it provides printers. Success Squad members take care of essential duties like onboarding new users, providing marketing ideas, and ideas on how to customize InkSoft better to meet our customers’ needs. We’re excited to announce our newest additions to the Success Squad team, Cody Martin and Sam MacKenzie!

After a few years of working in the retail world for companies like Starbucks and Best Buy, Sam joined the team. With the move to InkSoft, Sam’s looking at the opportunity as the start of a new chapter.

“When it comes to where I want to be at InkSoft, I really want to find a way into the development side of things,” says Sam. “I’ve always found it interesting and something I feel like I could make a career out of.”

Cody also joins the team with a background in the service and retail industries. Cody went to school about three hours south of InkSoft HQ in Sierra Vista at Buena High School. After a three-year stint in retail, Cody says he was encouraged by his brother to explore opportunities with InkSoft, so that’s why he made the decision to come on board.


“Oh boy, do I have a lot of hobbies,” Sam jokes.

Sam enjoys everything from miniature war games (gaming designed to incorporate miniatures or figurines into play) to games from the Star Wars franchise.

In addition to miniature wargames, Sam’s also a painter. That includes more traditional painting as well as commissions.

Cody enjoys a wide variety of hobbies as well. In his spare time, he likes writing and producing short films and hiking. He also enjoys photography and is a big movie buff.

Goals and Visions

“I’d love to reach the point of being a developer,” Sam says.

Cody says he’s looking forward to learning more about the InkSoft platform and wants to help others as much as he can with what he learns.

Welcome to the team, Sam and Cody!

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